Monday, December 24, 2012

Why are there criss-crossed marks on Peanut Butter Cookies?

That's a great question, Steve - I'm glad you asked. I must begin by stating how much I love peanut butter. I could eat peanut butter on toast for breakfast and follow that with a peanut butter sandwich for lunch every day for weeks without complaint. Augment the sandwich with a little bag of Lays Potato Chips (or a big bag if you are a glutton and have no self-control = Guilty) and a cold glass of milk (sometimes with chocolate) and you have a meal for the ages.

That said, I hate peanut butter cookies. I think that they are an abomination and scourge to both the cookie world and the land of peanut butter. I have no idea why these dense little crumbly hockey pucks with their mixed message of peanut butter deliciousness and cookie goodness come out tasting like something that would be fed to incarcerated bestiality felons, but they are simply awful. The answer for those in the know are that the criss-crossed fork marks on the PB cookies are simply a warning to stay the hell away from these harmless-looking treats.

Artist's rendering of what would actually be etched into every Peanut Butter Cookie if cookie-makers had integrity. And something to work with other than a fork.
According to the World-Wide Web, there are theories that there might be some religious symbolism to the cross on the cookie; which I poo-pooh. There are probably better places to wave one's religious flag than these foul-tasting abhorrences, unless one is trying to scare away potential converts.
There is also the line of thinking that the criss-crossed pattern is laid into the cookie dough to keep the dough from crumbling and falling apart. Which would hopefully render the nasty little dry bits of faux-poison inedible, like God intended. Leave it to the cookie makers to defy the ways of nature. This is a plausible explanation, but it leaves the entire cookie-making industry in a horrible light if we are to believe that they have done this on purpose.
No, I prefer to think that the peanut butter cookie was created under duress, at the behest of some evil tyrant, or hideous monster or malevolent devil and this was the noble cookie maker's last, subtle attempt to provide us with a warning before consumption.
Good day, Sir.

1 comment:

  1. aww you have never had a well made peanut butter cookie ...poor man.
